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Removing Personal Data

Starting with WooCommerce 3.4+ it is possible to remove customer data. On the Orders screen, under Bulk Actions there is a “Remove personal data” option that will remove the data for the orders selected:

Please note, that once you press Apply this will remove personal data with no further warning. Orders will appear on the Orders screen like this:

On an individual order, data is updated like this:

  • Failed, pending, and canceled orders which get cleaned up will be moved to the trash.
  • Completed orders which get cleaned up will be anonymized so sales stats are unaffected (as above).
  • Inactive accounts will be deleted. An inactive account is one which has not been logged in to, or which has not placed orders, for the specified time.

This can also automatically be set to be done under WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy, in the Account erasure requests section and the Personal data retention section:

If enabled, this cleanup will run via a daily cron job. Inactive accounts are tracked using meta data, and only subscribers/customer accounts are removed. An upgrade routine will set all account last active times to the time you updated to 3.4.

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