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Background Image Animation #

The background image animation option allows you to define an animation that will apply only to the image you’ve specified for your column background image. The animation selected will only trigger one time, when the user scrolls the row into the viewport.

Fade In #

Zoom Out #

Zoom Out Reveal #

Zoom Out Slowly #

Entire Column Animation #

As the name implies, this option will animate the entire column, including all layers its contents. This animation will also only trigger one time, when the user scrolls the row into the viewport.

Enabling animations on mobile devices #

As of Salient version 12, you can now have your elements animate on mobile as well. To enable this functionality, head to the Salient options panel > general settings > functionality tab, and change the option titled “Page Builder Element Animations On Mobile Devices” to “Enable.

Fade In #

Fade In From Left #

Fade In From Right #

Fade In From Bottom #

Grow In #

Zoom Out #

Slight Twist #

Flip In Horizontal #

Flip In Vertical #

Reveal From Right #

Reveal From Left #

Reveal From Bottom #

Reveal From Top #

Column Animation Delay #

The animation delay property will delay your column animation from occurring for the specified amount of time in milliseconds. This can be used to create staggering animations.

Delay: 0 #

Delay: 250 #

Delay: 500 #

Delay: 750 #

Delay: 1000 #

Delay: 1250 #

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