Adding product images and galleries are options that by default are available on the right hand side when editing a product in your store.
Featured Image #
The Product Image is the main image for your product. It is displayed in your product loops (i.e., product categories, up-sells, related products, etc.) and serves as the focus in the image gallery of your product details page.
Adding a product image is done in the same way as featured images for posts and pages are added. You can read about that on the WordPress Codex: Adding the featured image.
Product galleries #
Add images to product gallery #
Product galleries display all images attached to a product through the Product Gallery meta box.
You can create a product gallery using the same method as adding a featured image, but using the Product Gallery meta box.
Reorder images in product gallery #
Images in the product gallery can be re-ordered easily via drag and drop. Simply re-order your images by moving them around.
Remove images from product gallery #
To remove an image from the product gallery, hover over the image and click on the red “x.”